20 Years of Somerville Open Studios, Book Launch & Writing Contests

2018 has been an eventful year. Writing wise I found out that I will be in The Risk podcast book which will be out in July. (Pre-Order the book: http://risk-show.com/book/).

My flash nonfiction essay, The Day I Got My Life Back was published in Under the Gum Tree: https://www.underthegumtree.com/2018/

Next weekend will be the 20th Anniversary of Somerville Open Studios. I am hoping that the weather will be nice (especially since its the end of April and its still not yet spring) and people will stop by. This year I have the biggest litho print I've ever done is hanging at Diesel Cafe. It's 24x36.

Diesel Heart.jpg

Here is the other heart print that is on display at the Somerville Museum: http://somervillemuseum.org

heart museum pic.jpg